Monday, June 4, 2012

at 11:17 PM Labels: Posted by ELECTRIC MACHINES

Layout processing started
Layout processing finished
S-parameter simulation started
...analyzing ports
...extracting layout
...expanding thick conductors
...reducing mesh
Frequency sweep started
Simulation frequency [1] = 10 MHz
...loading Green functions
WARNING: Could not create the dataset
since no citi files could be found.
...saving project files

---------------- Momentum stopped ----------

Start ADS2009
Run task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del)
In processes tab, find "hpeesofemx.exe" and right click it, choose "Set Affinity"
Untick to reduce CPUs if you have multicore. Simulation should work perfectly with CPU 0 & CPU 1 selected. You can raise CPU number later to check if it still work.(My case works with 6 in 8 CPUs).
Now I am working on XP 64 bit OS with ADS2009 without this stubborn error.
Good luck


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